Who killed it? We did.
I was approached by AAF Birmingham to concept and design the creative for the 2015 Addys. After we chose a venue that housed a large vintage car collection, we easily fell into a theme based on classic hollywood. With the theme of “Who Killed It?,” creative took on a film noir essence, which carried through the announcements, eblasts, invites, opening video and event decor.

The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place.
I designed every aspect of the awards show, from the invitations and website to the awards book and presentation. The steel beam Addy statue became the perfect eerie figure to cast a shadow on our promo materials.
There was a killer out there . . . and it was my job to find him.
The invitations were modeled after vintage theater tickets, printed on felt cover with silver ink. The awards book featured metallic stock for the cover, reinforcing the shiny chrome on all the vintage cars adorning our venue.