This site was built completely on Squarespace.
My favorite part was figuring out the navigation rollover effect.

While my background has been primarily in advertising and graphic design, I have always had a passion for web design and coding, ever since I was 14 and trying to figure out how to code basic graphics for my Neopets account.
As with everything else in our world, advertising has been moving more and more into the digital world, so I have been doing a lot of web work in the past few years. I’ve designed many websites, as well as email campaigns, social media graphics and web banners. But I’ve also gotten my hands dirty with front-end development of these things, especially through Wordpress, Hubspot and Squarespace.
Below you’ll find a collection of various websites I’ve designed, and some, built or assisted with coding.
This site was built completely on Squarespace.
My favorite part was figuring out the navigation rollover effect.